Tenth day and one third through the challenge. Today’s word was “unique” which should be somewhat easier to find than some the earlier words. What: unique Where: (55.6698,12.60721) When: 10-11-2019 and 10-12-2019 November For the November shot I went to Amager next to the big open sport area Kløvermarken. The exact location was placed in […]
09. overcharge
The ninth day of the challenge and today’s word was “overcharge” with a location in residential Frederiksberg. What: overcharge Where: (55.6868,12.51452) When: 09-11-2019 and 09-12-2019 November The location for the November photo was in a residential area in Frederiksberg not long from my apartment. When I arrived and walked around a bit I was having […]
08. cute
First day of the second week of the challenge, and the impossible task of photographing something “cute” in a parking lot on a grey autumn day in Copenhagen. What: cute Where: (55.64964,12.51726) When: 08-11-2019 and 08-12-2019 November The first photo location was in Valby close to Valbyhallen and the building materials store Bauhaus. I was […]
07. incident
Last day of the first week; today’s word was “incident” and I was going to a train station. What: incident Where: (55.66339,12.5368) When: 07-11-2019 and 07-12-2019 November In November I was sent to Vesterbro/Valby on the newly opened S-train station Carlsberg. I was hoping not to have an all too obvious subject; an incident at […]
06. general
Day six and I was getting used to the process even though the void of having no concrete plans – like going to a workplace each morning – was beginning to nag a little bit. The one concrete plan of the day – taking a single photo – definitely helped get through the days. Today’s […]
05. vein
Fifth day of the challenge. Today’s word was “vein”, so I was pretty sure I had to do some out-of-the-box photographing to achieve my picture. What: vein Where: (55.69352,12.59634) When: 05-11-2019 and 05-12-2019 November November’s shooting location was on a bridge close to the fortress “Kastellet”; to the bridge into the fortress but another one […]
04. lick
Fourth day of the challenge and I was slowly beginning to get used to the process. Today’s word was “lick” which required some more outside-the-box thinking. What: lick Where: (55.67491,12.58654) When: 04-11-2019 and 04-12-2019 November On a cloudy and wet day I was led to inner Copenhagen and found myself under the Knippelsbro to take […]
03. make
Third day, third photo. Today’s subject was “make” requiring me to think a little bit outside the box to take a meaningful photo. What: make Where: (55.64584,12.62844) When: 03-11-2019 and 03-12-2019 November I was sent deep into the residential area of Amager with lots of family houses and gardens, large and small streets, and not […]
02. enemy
Second day of the challenge. Today’s word was “enemy” and the first photo was to be taken in Vesterbro/Dybbølsbro. What: enemy Where: (55.66621,12.55643) When: 02-11-2019 and 02-12-2019 November The November was a classic Copenhagen autumn day with lots of clouds and rain. This presented a practical problem, and the camera and the physical photo should […]
01. resignation
This was the first day of the challenge and the first day of my time as unemployed. Very appropriately today’s word was “resignation” which I gave my employer about a month earlier. What: resignation Where: (55.65455,12.60528) When: 01-11-2019 and 01-12-2019 November For the very first photo of the challenge I was sent to Amager to […]