Second day of the challenge. Today’s word was “enemy” and the first photo was to be taken in Vesterbro/Dybbølsbro.
- What: enemy
- Where: (55.66621,12.55643)
- When: 02-11-2019 and 02-12-2019

The November was a classic Copenhagen autumn day with lots of clouds and rain. This presented a practical problem, and the camera and the physical photo should get too wet when going out to take the shot. The problem also turned out to be the solution and the subject of the photo.
I packed myself in rain-clothes and put the camera around my neck on my stomach inside the coat. This made me look pretty weird as the camera made a nice bulge making it look like I was a few months pregnant.
Undeterred by this I took the metro (to limit the amount of time exposed to the elements) to the nearest stop from the location. Walking quickly through the rain I wondered about how to take a photo of “enemy” when the obvious hit me, that the rain and water was exactly my enemy today. Reaching the destination I found a water-puddle and took the below photograph.

Handling the photograph afterwards also presented a small challenge, as I didn’t want it to get too wet from the rain. I had brought a small plastic bag (non-see-through) that I put the photo in immediately after the shot to keep it from getting wet. Arriving home I could safely move it to the envelope without looking at it.
In December it was (un)luckily not raining. But it was not long ago, that it had been raining to it was pretty easy to find water-puddles to make the recreation.
I went to Frederiksberg Have and found a nice and big water-puddle to create the below photo.


The quality of the photos were not so high today as I wanted them to be – it difficult to see that the subjects are water-puddles (especially in the first photo) and the composition is just off and has skewed horizon lines.
They were both shot from very close to the ground without looking through the viewfinder and the first was shot in haste, so I’m really not dissapointed with the results. It also has quite the charm that they are so imperfect to show what an enemy can do to a shot.
Come back tomorrow to see the result from day three of the challenge. I will post a new day throughout the rest of the month.