Third day, third photo. Today’s subject was “make” requiring me to think a little bit outside the box to take a meaningful photo.
- What: make
- Where: (55.64584,12.62844)
- When: 03-11-2019 and 03-12-2019

I was sent deep into the residential area of Amager with lots of family houses and gardens, large and small streets, and not much else.
The exact location was on the corner of a street and reaching the destination I didn’t really have a good idea how to take a photo of “make”. I was hoping for someone to do some garden work or maybe repairing a fence but I had no such luck – probably because it was in the middle of the day on a work day.
Looking around me and thinking hard about some abstract captions with the word “make” I saw some roadwork which would have to do, with the caption “making corrections”.

Equipped with the original word “make” and the caption “roadwork” I went out to find some roadwork for today’s shot.
I only had to walk a hundred meters, because right outside my apartment the municipality was well underway digging down new pipes for heating (“fjernvarme”) to the citizens of Frederiksberg.
Below is the resulting photograph.


The tow photos today are very similar and the caption fits perfect for both. The really interesting thing is, that the composition is very close identical; the roadwork takes up the same amount of space and the lines point in the same directions in both photos. Remember, that I didn’t see the first photo before shooting the second, so I had no way of knowing the composition other than memory from the viewfinde 30 days earlier.
Come back tomorrow to see the results of day four of the challenge.