Day six and I was getting used to the process even though the void of having no concrete plans – like going to a workplace each morning – was beginning to nag a little bit. The one concrete plan of the day – taking a single photo – definitely helped get through the days.
Today’s word was “general” leading the thoughts to military ranks, which would not be the easiest subject to photograph.
- What: general
- Where: (55.67776,12.49374)
- When: 06-11-2019 and 06-12-2019

In November I was led to a location in Frederiksberg for the first time, specifically to a parking lot close to the newly reopened KB Hallen. While walking to the parking lot I thought about the possible “general”‘s to be in the photo. I quickly ruled out the military rank, as I found it highly unlikely to find a uniformed soldier in a parking lot, much less one with the rank of a general.
So I began to bend the word and came up with the car company “General Motors”; the company behind the brands Chevrolet, Cadillac and others. This seemed like an obvious subject in a parking lot, and I arrived a the location full of hope.
Sadly, the brands of General Motors are not very common in Denmark. I walk through the parking lot with around a hundred cars, looking at each cars logo, but without any luck. After having walked around for several minutes I realised that what I was doing looked really suspicious.
I panicked a little bit and wanted to take the photo quickly before someone would accuse me of having bad intentions, so I looked around me and found my solution in the building facade behind the parking lot. I took the following photo a caption.

In December I went out to find the most generic building facade I could think of. I went to Sankt Jørgens Sø on the border to the inner Copenhagen and found my photo. Unfortunately I left home a little late and the soft winter light was quickly disappearing. My camera made up for it with longer exposure time, but this made the picture blurry / shaky because I couldn’t hold the camera steady for the entire second or so, the exposure took.


The subjects of the two photographs a very similar with balconies spread across the buildings; even the number of floors are the same as far as I can count. The angle is off on the second photograph as well as the light, but still the similarity is good.
Tomorrow you can see my seventh photos, so come back. Also remember to follow me on Instagram!