First day of the second week of the challenge, and the impossible task of photographing something “cute” in a parking lot on a grey autumn day in Copenhagen.
- What: cute
- Where: (55.64964,12.51726)
- When: 08-11-2019 and 08-12-2019

The first photo location was in Valby close to Valbyhallen and the building materials store Bauhaus. I was not sure how to take a photograph of “cute” in that area but just hoped that something would turn up.
Arriving at the location I soon saw that nothing would turn up; I was standing next to a really big parking lot on a grey overcast late-autumn November day in Valby. Behind me was Valbyhallen, a grey concrete-type building and next to it an enormous building materials store. I had everything but something “cute”.
Despairing and running out of time (I never wanted to use more than ten minutes on a shot to avoid overthinking) I found a little green bush with some berries; the only close-to-cute thing in this urban concrete jungle. I tried to capture the contrast (and underline the cuteness) by having the parking lot in the background. You can see the result below.

For the December shot I was equally challenged. This challenge was about limiting the process but where do you go to find “Berries on a bush. Parking lot in background”? I turned to Google maps and scouted for some location not knowing if there were any usable bushes close to the parking lots I found.
I went out the door a luckily the first, and nearest, parking lot had the required bush. Or at least a bush. It was not green like the original one, but I din’t want to go to all the parking lots of Greater Copenhagen, so I was satisfied with this one. I took the following photo.


The two photos does not have much in common other than the caption – which fortunately works fine for both. The angle is almost alike with the bush in the right part of the frame, but the composition different and the bushes have different colours.
Maybe these photos are trying to tell a progressing story (like yesterday), saying that the autumn, and winter, is coming; leaves turning from green to brown and the bush going from taking up one third of the frame to dominating two thirds in the second shot. Well, winter never really came, but the autumn sure was long.
Come back tomorrow for the next two photos in the series of the challenge. Also remember to follow me on Instagram!