On the twelfth day of November, my challenge gave to me… the word “post” and a location in the middle of not-really-anything in Nordhavn.
- What: post
- Where: (55.70418,12.5924)
- When: 12-11-2019 and 12-12-2019

For the first photo I went to the s-train station Nordhavn and walked to the location just on the other side, close to the water. Today’s word was “post” and with no postal office or post boxes in sight, I began looking for something usable. This was difficult, as I was standing in the middle of an area with nothing but gravel, some left behind building material, and some workmen’s trailers to the side. It seemed like a has-been, or maybe would-be, building site.
At last I found nice subject in an old concrete block, a piece of a large pipe. It had some graffiti on it with the text “wake up” (in Danish). It reminded me of a social media post, only it was out it the physical world. I took the photo below.

For the recreation of the graffiti wall post, I instantly knew where to go; the only place in Copenhagen to go for (meaningful) graffiti, namely Nørrebro.
When I got there, I wasn’t disappointed and I found my subject on one of the first buildings I saw. I wanted the “wall post” to have a message, not just be a painting, and certainly not tagging, which is just vandalism and never art.
I took the photograph below. I might be a little difficult to see, because the image got underexposed, but it says “Refugees welcome” in big coloured letters on the side of a big building.


What the two photos lack in similar composition, they have in thematic similarity. The caption “Live wall post” fits very well on both, even if the latter might be a little more political than the first – or at least more obviously political.
These photos really inspired me, and it could be fun to try and make a photo series of “live wall posts” around the city (around the world) some day. When I do, I will make sure to post it here!
Come back tomorrow and find my next photographs of the challenge, and also remember to follow me on Instagram.