Today task: go to Østerbro and take a photo of “mark”; not the easiest task and it would require a bit of imagination to get the shot.
- What: mark
- Where: (55.70427,12.58966)
- When: 14-11-2019 and 14-12-2019

In November the challenge took me to Østerbro, close to Nordhavn station but this time on the inside of the train tracks. The exact location was inside a private backyard, so I had to find my subject in front of the building. I started on the street on the northern side, looking for a “mark” to photograph. Not really finding anything, I walked around the building to see if I had better luck there, but all I found was a long facade of apartments and no “mark”‘s to photograph.
At one point thought about looking at all the door signs to see if I could find someone name Mark, but after checking in front two different doors, I found it too suspiciously looking to continue down the entire street.
So I went back to the first location I tried to find something useful. I ended up taking a photo of a green electrical box with some graffiti on it, not really satisfied, but I ran out of time. You can see the photograph below.

For the December shot I had created quite strict boundaries for my photograph, as I had captioned it with “green box”. Fortunately that kind of electrical box is rather usual in Copenhagen, so I went out to find one.
I didn’t have to go very far before find one, and I even found one with a political message on a sheet of paper. Regrettably, I hadn’t noticed the low light, so when I took the photo, the long exposure gave the photograph a lot of camera shake, making it impossible to read anything on the paper sheet. You can see the result below.


None of the two photographs are very high quality, neither in technique nor composition. Their compositions are almost each other’s opposites, the first taken from below with the box in the right corner, the other taken from above with the box taking up most of the left half of the image.
Come back tomorrow to see if my composition and technique improve. Also remember to follow me on Instagram.