Day 15 and halfway through the challenge. Today’s word was “donor” with the location in a Christmas market in the heart of Copenhagen.
- What: donor
- Where: (55.68095,12.58563)
- When: 15-11-2019 and 15-12-2019

For the November photograph I was going to Kongens Nytorv in the inner city, and even though it was only mid-November they had already set up a Christmas market in the square.
I went around the market to find a “donor”. My first thought was to find a someone collecting money for charity, like a Santa raising money for destitute children. I went around the entire market without finding any charity, so I had to change tactics.
I thought of other interpretations of “donor” and had the idea of seeing the booths as bringers of joy – or donors of Christmas spirit. I took the photo below.

The December photo would be pretty easy to recreate, as Christmas markets were in abundance in Copenhagen just 10 days before Christmas.
I went to another Christmas market on Nytorv, and quickly found a booth matching my caption. You can see the result below.


The two photographs are not the most exciting in terms of subject or composition. They simply document a location and maybe a feeling without doing much more than that. They are quite similar in composition and distance, though they are taken from slightly different angles.
Come back tomorrow for the beginning of the second half of the challenge.