Day 24 and the beginning of the last week of the challenge. The word “testify” combined with a location close the the train tracks and a late hour made for a not-the-best-ever result.
- What: testify
- Where: (55.65717,12.53901)
- When: 24-11-2019 and 24-12-2019

In November I was going to Sydhavn close to the train tracks at the central station. I had been out late the day before, so it took some time before I got out the door to take my photo. By that time it was late in the afternoon and rapidly getting dark.
The word “testify” was not easy to find at the location on a sidewalk between a big road on one side and train tracks on the other. But the word combined with my somewhat dulled mood made me think of a confession in a Catholic church and I decided to use that.
Not really being able to find a priest or confession booth I went for capturing the mood instead. I framed the train cables against the darkening sky and took my photo. Unfortunately there was not nearly enough light for the shot, as you can see below.

In December it was Christmas Eve, which I was spending at my parents’. In the afternoon I went out to recreate my photo. My parents don’t live nearby any train tracks so instead I chose to use a little group of trees against the dark blue sky.
The challenge didn’t allow me to look at the first photo before taking the second, so I had no idea how the original turned out and that the lighting had been so poor. So when I took the second one I faced the same problems. You can see the result below.


At least the two photos are very similar… I think these count as almost completely ruined, but I guess they work well for (the first part of) the caption. Other than that there’s not much more to say about them.
Come back tomorrow to see the hopefully much better photos.