Day 22 offered the word “betray” in a cemetery in Copenhagen, which laid out for an obvious subject.
- What: betray
- Where: (55.66091,12.534)
- When: 22-11-2019 and 22-12-2019

For the November photo I was sent to the Mosaic part of the cemetery Vestre KirkegĂ„rd. With the word “betray” I thought it pretty obvious to make the gravestones my subject of the day.
When I arrived at the exact location I found an angle with a row of the gravestones and took the photograph below.

In December I was still visiting Norway. There was no cemetery nearby so I had to improvise a bit and find something else for the caption.
I went out to the backyard of the house which was bordered by a stonewall with some tall dry grass and the trunk of a broken tree. I used the trunk of the tree as my “gravestone” with the lifeless dry grass underlining the “betrayed by life” in the caption. You can see the result below.


The two photos are very different especially in that the second photo doesn’t contain actual gravestones. However, I think it’s a good example of how a little improvisation can make some very strict boundaries (“gravestones”) work out pretty well, still capturing the overall theme and feeling of the subject and caption.
Come back tomorrow to se the next photos of the challenges. Follow me on Instagram to get updated, also after the challenge, when I will post some of my other photos.